
Friday, April 23, 2010


So I'm in a box.
Everything that I've learned about my myself and the world,
I've learned within this box.
Light seeps in it, and I can see.
Cool breezes blow, and it cools me.
My belly is full, because THEY feed me,
I am content here because I can't see thee.

Another looks up to a blue sky and the sun shines on him.
It looks down on him.
He can see that it makes things grow around him.
He can point to it - the sun,
knowing the place from where the light comes.
He feels the winds blow also,
but he can see its effect on the trees.
They sway to it and it stirs the seas.
He eats and his appetite too is full.
He's much better off now because from the same box he was pulled.

You see, the thought of escape from the box eludes me,
because my comfort level within it precludes me.
I don't really care what goes on outside and to thee,
because no one has ever told me that it's not just about me.

Friends, one of the greatest gifts that you can give your children is to show them the world and where they stand within it. Let them experience different cultures, ways of life and what others before them have accomplished. I believe that it really sets them free. It's the universal key to unlocking slavery.

Take them to a wide open area and see if they won't take off running! It's their nature. Open up the world for them and they'll run just because. Motivate up their box!...

To read more please be sure to purchase a copy of my soon to be published book chronicling my life as a single father. Also, feel free to donate toward its costs if you so choose by clicking the donate button @ Thanks for taking this journey with me.

Miracles and Blessings


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1 comment:

  1. Man in this post you just payed homage to the essence of education. Look up the etymology for education and you'll see what I mean.

    Its not about facts and figures but to inspire and open closed minds.

    Me and the kids drove by a soccer field yesterday, and a game was in full swing. Taylor asked "daddy why do Mexican people like soccer so much".

    My first response was "the same reason I like soccer and the same reason white, Asian any other person would like to play soccer". But I feel that that answer was good so I added.

    A discussion of national sports, and how many countries have a national sport. Then I had her tell me what our countries favorite sports were. Then I had her tell, in the case that many Americans moved to a different country, what sport would she likely see them playing when they come together - baseball, football, or basketball of course, was her response.
